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Universiade Village

This article was originally published on July 8, 2011, in the Shenzhen Daily.
The information was accurate at that time, and may be outdated now. Use with caution.

Universiade Stadium
This week I continued to "ride the rails," out to Universiade Village in Longgang.

Starting in Xili, I rode east on the Huanzhong Line (Line 5) to Buji. Along the way, two stations (Tangleng and Changlingpi) were above ground, reminding me that our Metro is not strictly a subway.

A train pulls into Buji Station on the elevated tracks
I still wasn't prepared, though, for the fact that, at Buji Station, the Longgang Line (Line 3) is WAY above ground. Transferring meant taking a long escalator to street level, and another up to the platform. The station is spacious, though, making the transfer easy.

Between there and Universiade Station, only Tangkeng was underground. most of the line afforded a view of the numerous scenic hillocks in the area.

Universiade Village dormitories seen from the Metro station platform
Finally, arriving at Universiade Station, I looked out to the west and easily spotted the dormitories of the Universiade Village from the platform.

Walking west on Longxing Road just north of the station, I soon reached the corner of Longxiang Road. On the northwest is the Universiade Stadium; on the southeast, the Village for athletes; and on the southwest (hidden from view) other playing areas.

Universiade volunteers man the "U-Station" (information booth) near the Stadium
Unfortunately, at this early date, none of the facilities was open to the public; but the U-Stations (information booths) were fully-manned by volunteers, some of whom spoke enough English to answer my questions.

Universiade Stadium, showing some of the five kilometers of surrounding fence
If you get out there now, you'll see a sleepy area in the final stages of preparation. Soon it will be abuzz, with athletes, staff, and spectators arriving from all over the world. You can feel the excitement building!

GPS Info:
  • 22.69090, 114.21763

Map: (The stadium is above the "X" made of two streets; the Universiade Village is below)

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